If you're a rising 5th or 6th grader (your grade as of Fall 2021), we invite you to join our fun adventure day! We'll meet at Real Life, grab lunch together, go on a surprise adventure and stop for dessert on our way back to the church! At the end of the event, 6th grade students are invited to join us for a pool party and dinner. Invite a friend to join us!
June 16
$30 (includes lunch, shirt, activity/adventure, and dessert!)
11:30am: Meet at Real Life
12:15pm: Lunch
1:00pm: Travel to adventure / activity
3:00pm: Bible Study activity
3:30pm: Travel to dessert
4:30pm: Travel back to Real Life
5:30pm: 5th grade pick up
6:00-7:30pm: 6th Grade Pool Party (dinner provided!)
Don’t forget to RSVP here to save your child’s spot! (https://reallifela.churchcenter.com/unproxy/registrations/events/880933)