Alpha is a series of interactive sessions that freely explore life and the basics of the Christian faith in a friendly, open and informal environment. Whether you're just checking it out, new to faith, or coming back to church, you are invited.


Who is Alpha? 

Alpha is for anyone who is curious about life, religion, humanity... really anything. The talks are designed to encourage conversation and explore the basics of the Christian faith in a fun, informal environment. You don't even have to believe to attend. Seriously.  And we allow any questions. Nothing is off limits. Never judgement. 

What is Alpha? 

Alpha runs for four weeks. Each session includes great food, a video message, and an informal discussion at the end where you can share your thoughts and have a drink in the pub. At any point, if you think Alpha isn't for you, that's no big deal. There's no pressure, no follow up, and we'll never charge you for anything.


When is Alpha?

Mondays | Feburay 3 - March 10

Location | Real Life LA | 7pm-9pm