Student Ministry
Associate Pastor / Director
Job Posting

So, you want to work at Real Life | LA?

Tap the buttons below to get a feel for how we act, what members of our congregation say “yes” to, and how we communicate on a Sunday.

In the space below, tell us a little about yourself and what would excite you about joining our team. When you’re done with that (or before you do that, if you want to switch up the order a bit), email your resume and cover letter to

What’s the application process like at Real Life | LA?

After an applicant has submitted their resume and the form above, our Executive Pastor (Anthony Prince), will review their application to ensure that they have met the qualifications for the job. He’ll then search the internet far and wide to get a sense of how networked the applicant is and how they leverage their digital presence to connect with others.

Top applicants will each participate in a Zoom call to answer general questions about themselves and allow them a chance to ask questions they have about our church and the position.

From there, a few additional Zoom calls will take place before an in-person interview is scheduled.

During the process, some applicants will be asked to lead gatherings with some of our students and some of our church’s parents to get a feel for that applicant’s chemistry with our community. If you have a video online where you’re teaching to a group of people, sharing that link on your resume is something we’d highly suggest.

As with most plans we create at our church, everything is flexible and we often change things as we go. If changing a plan on-the-fly stresses you out, you may want to apply elsewhere.

Why is the position listed as a Director and ALSO an Associate Pastor?

That’s a great question!

Depending on an applicant’s level of education and qualifications, they may be ready for an Associate Pastor role or they might be more comfortable in a Director role. We know that some churches will post roles like this with dual titles to accommodate for the gender of the person hired. At Real Life, we proudly affirm and promote men AND women in leadership roles within the church… so, the job title isn’t tied up in that conversation.

It looks like the position is currently vacant.
Who’s running things right now?

Our Executive Pastor, Anthony Prince, is serving as the point of contact on our church staff team during this interim season. In addition to his role at Real Life, Anthony serves as a consultant and youth ministry coach through Ministry Architects ( As someone who cares deeply about youth ministry in our context as well as nationally, we know the ministry is in good hands while we search for our next hire.