Think Small

This month we're launching small groups at Real Life Church.  A small group is a circle of friends who get together to pray for each other, eat together, and crack open the Bible.  As the Pastor, I have a passion to see people enveloped in a loving community where they find deeper and better relationships than they've ever known.  As an achiever, I like to set goals.  So I prayed that we would be able to start at least 10 small groups at Real Life in 2017.  I figured it would take a couple of rounds, leading into the fall, maybe reaching our goal by Christmas.

We have 15 groups starting this month.  

That doesn't include a number of Real Life members who are already in small groups that they love.

I'm so thankful to see us coming together to be family, to study the Bible, and to practice the faith.  I'm glad we are leaning on each other as we follow after Jesus.  If you still want to join one, we'll have rolling group launches from now on.  Sign up anytime.  We will produce a weekly, sermon-based curriculum that you can use to spark discussions.

Life happens better in circles than in rows!
